UGANDA: Parliament Passes Mining and Minerals Bill, 2021

Parliament has passed the Mining and Minerals Bill, 2021 which will see the establishment of the Uganda National Mining Company which will manage the government’s commercial holding and participating interests … Read More

Tanzania Can Renegotiate Energy and Mining Contracts As New Legislation Passed

The government of Tanzania can now forcefully commence renegotiate of existing contracts with both mining and oil companies undertaking exploration and production in the country after the parliament passed two … Read More

A Review Of The Natural Resources (Class Of Transactions Subject To Ratifications) Act, 2016

Introduction: What is natural resources? Article 260 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 defines the term “Natural Resources” to mean the physical non-human factors and components, whether renewable or non-renewable, … Read More

Vanoil seeks $150 million in suit against the Government of Kenya

Vanoil Energy Ltd. has commenced an international arbitration against the Government of Kenya after the minister for Energy Davis Chirchir declined to renew the company’s exploration licenses citing speculation. In the suit … Read More

Kenya’s Civil Society Calls for Transparency, Efficiency in Oil and Gas

[twitter-follow screen_name=’oilnewskenya’] Members of the civil society have called on the government to work together with parliament, oil companies and civil society to develop appropriate policies, legal and institutional frameworks for … Read More