GUINEA BISSAU: Independent E&P Companies, IOC´s Unlock Prospective Offshore MSGBC Acreage

By Miguel Artacho, Field Editor Oil and gas investors with an interest in Africa have made significant investments in some of the countries of the MSGBC Basin – which comprise Mauritania, Senegal, … Read More

Oil & Gas companies are Failing to Capitalize on MSGBC Basin’s Huge Gas Discoveries – GlobalData

Two major gas discoveries have been made in the MSGBC Basin; however, oil and gas companies so far have failed to capitalize on these significant resources, and it could be … Read More

SENEGAL: Total Awards Shearwater GeoServices Senegal 3D Acquisition & Processing Contract

Shearwater GeoServices Holding AS has announced the award for a large towed streamer 3D acquisition and Fast Track processing project by Total E&P Senegal. The exploration survey covers 5,000 sq. … Read More