Energy Institute approves Petroleum Institute East Africa as training provider

The Energy Institute has certified the Petroleum Institute of East Africa’s School of Petroleum Studies as an approved training provider.

In a statement by PIEA the institute becomes the first approved trainer in the continent and its certifications will henceforth be recognized globally across 100 countries.

The approval that will cover 3 years from 2014 to 2016 links graduates from the school to over 19,000 individuals working in or studying energy and 250 companies across the globe who are members of the professional body.

According to PIEA general manager Wanjiku Manyara the institute is determined to bridge the skills gap existing in the oil and gas value chain in the country.

“As a Professional Industry Association, PIEA continues to accord great importance to the systematic development of capacities and capabilities that will sustainably facilitate the deliberate utilization of Kenyan human capital in the entire oil and gas value chain thereby promote local wealth creation through employment and entrepreneurship.” she said.

Manyara adds that the institute will continue to realign its training to compliment and support the developments in the oil and gas sectors so as to produce well molded professionals.

Manyara has also called for sector specific education and skills development as one of the ways of creating the needed human resource.

The training programs stimulate and fast track local skills development capacities and strengths of adequately trained petroleum specialists’ in existing institutions such as PIEA’s School of Petroleum Studies, to supply Industry needs.

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