African LP Gas Summit kicks off in Nairobi

The first African LP Gas Summit has started in Nairobi pooling together various stakeholders in the industry to discuss ways in which to increase LPG adoption for cooking and driving as well as the challenges that inhibit this.

The meeting organizers also hope the delegates can share experiences as well as success stories which can be borrowed to better the Kenyan industries.

The three day meeting that ends on Friday will see the attendees discuss the way to define LPG growth as well as promote sustainability development in Kenya and the continent as a whole.

Also running alongside the summit is a LPG expo where companies are showing different applications and innovative products such as plastic LPG cylinders a first for the African continent.

Speaking during the event business development manager at Oryx Energy Paula Joubert termed the summit timely coming at a time when companies in the industry are busy carrying out sensitization and consumer awareness around the continent.

According to statistics a majority of countries in the continent apart from those in the North have very low usage of liquefied petroleum gas with the entire sub-Saharan Africa estimated to use just 29 percent of total LPG consumed regionally as compared to Egypt’s 35 percent.

“Africa uses just 5 percent of the global LPG consumption with the usage potential realized in the continent estimated to be at just 7 percent,” she said.

Vivo Kenya managing director Polycarp Igathe called on the government to eliminate taxes on LPG similar to how it has for Kerosene a more lethal product.

“Then the government also needs to stem the illegal filling of gas cylinders which has brought the notion that gas is dangerous,” said Igathe.

Representing the government senior petroleum economist at the ministry of energy Joseph Wafula said is in the process of laying down the requisite policy, legal and regulatory framework to guide the industry.

“Relevant policy and statutory provisions have been made on promotion of cleaner and healthy environment as a human and fundamental right,” he said.

Stakeholders at the meeting recognized various bottlenecks to the increased adoption of LPG products in the continent including storage capacities, unreliable prices, logistical logistics, high cost and ineffective enforcement and compliance.

Towards the high cost of LPG a meeting is scheduled in the coming week between private sector players and the government.

The event is organized by the Petroleum Institute of East Africa and the All Events group.

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