Erin Energy Seeks First Exploration Extension Period on Kenya’s Block L1B and L16

Erin Energy formerly CAMAC Energy has said met with the government of Kenya and has requested approval to move into the first exploration extension period on blocks L1b and L16 having completed … Read More


CAMAC Energy has announced today the successful completion of its onshore 2D seismic acquisitions on blocks L-1B and L-16 in the Republic of Kenya. The 2D seismic program whose contract … Read More

ERHC completes 2D seismic in Block 11A

ERHC Energy has announced the successful completion of a major 2D seismic acquisition program of Block 11A in the Republic of Kenya. The seismic data was acquired by BGP Kenya … Read More

Kenya’s Block 11A 2D seismic results encouraging – EHRC

The 2D seismic program covering approximately 1,000 line kilometers on Block 11A being undertaken by BGP Kenya limited on behalf of the CEPSA and ERHC partnership is nearing completion according … Read More

BGP Kenya to carry out 2D seismic in Kenya’s Block 11A onshore

[twitter-follow screen_name=’oilnewskenya’] ERHC Energy ERHE has announced the start of a 2D seismic program covering at least 1,000 line kilometers on Block 11A in the Republic of Kenya. BGP Kenya … Read More

CEPSA and Milio international receive exploration licenses in Kenya

[twitter-follow screen_name=’oilnewskenya’] The ministry of energy and petroleum has licensed Compania Espanola de Petroleos (CEPSA) and Milio international of Dubai to explore for crude oil and gas in north western … Read More