KENYA: Pertamina’s Steps to Explore Energy Cooperation in Africa

PT Pertamina (Persero) is increasingly expanding its work abroad, as an effort to go global and to strengthen energy sovereignty in the country. Pertamina and Subholdings have initiated a number of potential strategic partnerships with several energy companies in Africa, including in the upstream oil and gas sector, infrastructure development and processing refineries, to the potential for cooperation in the distribution of downstream products and the development of new and renewable geothermal energy (geothermal).

“Several collaborations that will be launched by the Pertamina Group in Africa, along with the visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo on 20-24 August 2023, will become one of the mainstays in the energy sector for the country. This collaboration can strengthen cooperation between African countries and also cooperation globally,” explained Pertamina’s President Director Nicke Widyawati during her visit to Kenya, Africa, Monday (21/8).

In Kenya, as the first country visited, Pertamina through PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Africa Geothermal International Limited (AGIL) on Sunday, August 20 2023, for technology development and utilization of natural resources. geothermal. With this collaboration, PGE will have the opportunity to study infrastructure development and utilize geothermal technology to be implemented in Indonesia, as well as expand in geothermal development in Kenya.

In the upstream business, the upstream subholding subsidiary, PT Pertamina Internasional Eksplorasi dan Ekspor (PIEP) is also exploring the potential for cooperation with the National Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOCK). This exploration is the first step for Pertamina’s upstream footprint abroad, thereby strengthening national energy security. “Spirit brings the barrel home, Pertamina’s footprint in the upstream sector is to increase production, so that it can be processed at Pertamina’s domestic refineries,” added Nicke.

Not only upstream and geothermal renewable energy, Nicke revealed, Pertamina also has opportunities to expand in various energy fields with the Government-to-Government (G-to-G) collaboration between the Government of Indonesia and the Government of Kenya. This bilateral cooperation also opens investment opportunities and cooperation for Pertamina in the African region.

“We appreciate the role of the Government, including the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in supporting Pertamina’s expansion efforts on the global stage,” he explained.

Prior to the visit, Pertamina had a Memorandum of Understanding with GUMA, an energy company in Africa, regarding Strategic Alliances for Potential Upstream, Midstream and Downstream Business Projects. The collaboration includes exploration and production of oil and gas fields, development of oil and gas pipelines, to the development of oil and petrochemical refineries. Apart from that, Pertamina also trades petroleum products in Kenya.

“We bring the government’s spirit, the spirit of the 1955 Asian-African Conference, Bandung. We are now working together in economic development. Pertamina itself opens opportunities for cooperation in the upstream to downstream sectors, including geothermal in Kenya,” added Nicke.

Vice President of Pertamina, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, added that Pertamina has brought in several subholdings to explore the potential for cooperation in Africa. It is hoped that these collaborations will further strengthen national energy security, as well as realize the company’s role as a global energy company. “We are open to all business cooperation opportunities that have a positive impact on Pertamina and the country,” said Fadjar.

Pertamina as a leader in the field of energy transition is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emissions 2060 target by continuing to encourage programs that have a direct impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). All of these efforts are in line with the implementation of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) in all Pertamina’s business lines and operations.

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