EGYPT: PGS Links Nile Delta and Herodotus Basin in New GeoStreamer Acquisition

PGS is bridging the gap between the renowned Nile Delta and the promising Herodotus Basin with the EGY23 Merneith survey offshore Egypt.

The acquisition of fresh 3D GeoStreamer data in this deepwater area is expected to yield detailed insights into prospective opportunities in a region that has captured considerable industry attention of late. The Herodotus Basin has substantial untapped potential.

The presence of a variable-thickness salt (evaporite) layer potentially serves as a seal across much of the area. PGS experts suggest that the prime targets within this domain are likely to be presalt Oligo-Miocene structures hosting clastic reservoirs.

The new seismic dataset is relevant for companies seeking to establish a presence in the area and for existing operators aiming to refine their exploration strategies.

The EGY23 Merneith survey draws on the expertise of our partners EGAS, the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, and leverages the outstanding capabilities of the Ramform Titan vessel and PGS’ uniquely reliable GeoStreamer broadband technology.

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