EGYPT: Kuwait Energy Unsuccessful at the ASV-1X exploration well, Abu Sennan licence

United Oil & Gas has reported that the  ASV-1X exploration well which was drilled in the Abu Sennan licence, onshore Egypt recovered no hydrocarbons although testing programme is still underway with over a week after a sucker rod pump was installed

The  ASV-1X exploration well was drilled safely and under-budget to a total depth of 3,496 metres  encountered both primary and secondary reservoirs, and as announced on 30 May 2022 a comprehensive testing programme was initiated. The Operator and partners will continue to review the test results and potential future options and costs before a final decision is made on the forward plan for the well. 

United adds that data gathered from this well has further improved our understanding of the subsurface in the Abu Sennan licence. Evidence for the migration of hydrocarbons observed in the ASV-1X structure has helped de-risk this element of the petroleum system in this area of the licence and will assist in optimising future well targets. 

The 2022 Abu Sennan drilling campaign is continuing with the AJ-14 development well, with the announcement of the spud on 21 June 2022.  Two further wells are planned for this year, including an ASH development well, and the ASF-1X exploration well. The ASF-1X well is located in the south-west of the Abu Sennan licence, approximately 30km away from the ASV-1X well, and the prospectivity of ASF-1X well is not impacted by the results of the ASV-1X well. 

United holds a 22% working interest in the Licence, which is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt.

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